Posts in Bustle
Why You Should Keep Seeing Your Therapist, Even If You Think You Don’t Need To

Millions of people use talk therapy to help them manage their mental health, but not everyone sticks with it. Wondering how long you should stay in therapy is totally normal, and the answer will be different for everyone. Some people start therapy to help deal with a particularly difficult period in their lives, and then stop once that obstacle has been dealt with. Others might stop because they think therapy is too much of a time commitment, compared with the benefits, or too costly. But whatever the reason for stopping may be, it can actually help to continue seeing your therapist, even when you feel "good" about your mental health.

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11 Little Ways You’re Accidentally Ruining Your Relationship With Your Parents

The transition from "kid" to "adult kid" can be a weird one for you and your parents. Now that you're grown, you're likely ready to create some healthy boundaries, talk with your mom and/or dad like an adult, and be treated like one, too. But there are some habits that can make this difficult and awkward, as well as a few that can even ruin your relationship with your parents, if you aren't careful.

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BustleGuest User