Tools To Cope With Back To School Stress

By: Upsider Therapy

Returning back to school after a fun and relaxing summer can be a challenging transition for many. It’s common to feel anxious about the return to a new routine and schedule, and it can also feel overwhelming! New teachers, friendships, and work can feel like a lot to deal with all at once. It can feel reassuring to think about the fact that a lot of your classmates likely feel the same way-- you are not alone! Here are some ways to help relieve anxiety about heading back to school: 

Implement a steady routine: 

Transitioning back into a structured environment after summer can be challenging. Establishing consistent times to wake up, eat, do homework, and go to sleep can help your body adjust to your new schedule. Another way to create a routine is to consistently participate in an activity like practicing a sport or reading before going to sleep at night. Creating a consistent routine will allow you to better prepare for the days ahead, as well as settle back into the structure of school.

Use a planner: 

The summer typically allows for a lot of free and unstructured time which can then lead to difficulty figuring out how to properly manage your time again when the school year begins. Using some form of a planner can be helpful in regards to organization and time management. Writing down assignments, test dates, and project deadlines can help you plan out your time and work more effectively which in turn can help  make your workload feel less overwhelming! Plus, if you write everything down, then you don’t have to remember everything that you have to do!

Communicate with teachers: 

It’s OK to have fears about a class or even to struggle with an assignment. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your teachers and get some extra support; they are there to help you! Creating a relationship with your teachers can help make it easier to ask for extra help. This can allow you to gain a better understanding of material by collaborating with your teachers while also gaining new perspectives for assignments and academic advice. 

Practice self-care: 

With the stress of returning back to school, it’s important to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Following a regular self-care routine can help relieve stress and anxiety, and, can even heighten your productivity. Self-care is really just taking the time to do something joyful for yourself. This can be anything from doing yoga, taking a long shower, or having a dance party. You do you!


Get involved in extracurriculars: 

Joining extracurriculars is an amazing way to make new friends, explore new activities or even continue to practice ones you already love! Participating in extracurriculars also opens up the opportunity to form  new friendships outside of your grade level, as well as with people you might not have otherwise met. Whether joining a club, sports team, or theater production, getting involved in extracurriculars at your school is a great way to make friends and explore activities you love. 

Practice healthy coping skills: 

This can be a stressful time and it's important to prioritize your mental health. Implementing healthy coping skills into your routine will allow you to help limit and relieve some of the stress of heading back to school. Some healthy coping skills that you can start practicing today are breathing exercises, journaling, exercising, meditation, and speaking to a therapist. Learning healthy coping skills to better manage your worried or anxious thoughts will help you to feel more empowered and confident in everyday tasks.

If you are having a difficult time managing anxiety about going back to school, and want to learn healthy coping skills to deal with these feelings, or even just refresh some of the coping skills you already have, please reach out to today.