TWO Basic Tips To Overcome Scheduling Concerns

By: Elizabeth Koblenz, LMSW

As offices are starting to re-open, it is possible to experience feelings of stress while adjusting to commuting into the office again and having to restructure your schedule. For the most part, we have created new routines during the pandemic that have allowed more flexibility in our schedules. Accessibility through technology has made it harder to “end your workday” as many have felt inclined to continue to answer emails even after working hours. It is possible that these changes may seem overwhelming to navigate now that we are going back to the office and trying to create our new schedules, all while setting new boundaries. As we go through this transition period of going back into the office, here are two top tips to overcome some your concerns of your new schedule:


Create Structure: It is possible that at first, commuting may be anxiety provoking as you are not used to factoring in this extra time into your routine. It is important to structure your schedule to add commuting time, so you are not stressed or overwhelmed about getting to the office on time. Try to look at your schedule at the start of the week to try to figure out the times you would need to leave to be on time for your morning meeting or get to work intime to accomplish tasks that need to get done. Doing this can also help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress! In the afternoon, if you have obligations such as workout classes, dinner plans, doctor appointments, etc., try to set boundaries with meetings so that you end work with enough time to commute. It can be challenging at first, but the more you do it the more it’ll become your new norm. Being consistent and putting structure to your day in your schedule can also allow you to feel empowered by holding yourself accountable. It is a great feeling to know you respected your time with boundaries to avoid feelings of stress!


Consider Your Limits: Set limits with your schedule especially with those after work plans. It can feel draining to have plans every night of the week after a long day of work. You may feel inclined to say yes to everything as we have been home unable to socialize for so many months. Try to plan your week and set limits for yourself; it is healthy to have some time for YOU! Make plans once or twice a week and see if you can save some of the plans for the weekend. Setting limits can help create healthy boundaries with work and personal life. 


Try to focus on the following tips:

1)    Structure your work schedule will look like at as best as you can to figure out your commute, your social schedule, and any appointments you may have.

2)    Set limits with your schedule and remember it’s okay to say no sometimes! 


Take time to care for yourself as you start to acclimate back into a busy schedule. Change is challenging but you do not have to go through transitions alone. It is important to remember to take your time getting used to it all. If you start to feel overwhelmed by it, it’s okay to say no and have time for yourself. We all need time to unwind and have “me” time. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your new schedule or are looking for new ways to develop healthy boundaries and coping skills, feel free to reach out to us at to talk through these feelings- we are here to help!